War propaganda


The German word means “fit for service”. In many Hungarian movies, it could be heard in scenes where the Monarchy’s war machine “digested” Hungarian youth with a language foreign to the Hungarians, mostly against their will.

In this post, the word has different, inspiring meaning! As the photo shows, the marching youths were enthusiastic and angry. They wanted to quickly teach a lesson to murderous Serbia and pressing Russia. In the same way, the enthusiasm is expressed by the badge, which was obviously made because the proud young men who were suitable for it went to the front with joy. They wanted to show everyone their happiness and ability with the badge.

Enthusiasm was soon replaced by a sense of duty. At that time it was more like “Durchhalten!”, “Persistence!” inscriptions appear on propaganda badges. Next to duty appears the motif of honor, loyalty to the ruler, and patriotism. This was no longer about enthusiasm at all, but about duty. But in August 1914, still units went to the front in nicely decorated wagons with an army of happy young people who were “Tauglich”.

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