Kappenabzeichen on postcards

IR 6

The cadre of the K.u.K 6. Infantry Regiment was located in Újvidék (today Novi Sad in Serbia). Its recruiting area was South Bácska county. The command was located in Budapest. The mixed population of the area gave the regiment a mixed crew. Most of them were Germans and Serbs. The remaining third of the crew was Hungarian, Slovak and Romanian.

On the post card you can see the most common Kappenabzeichen of the regiment, the private grappling with the dragon. There was another badge with a scaled-down version of the former on it. At the bottom of the frame around the round part you can read the inscription of the invalid fund of the regiment.

The regiments have set up relief funds to support the disabled, war orphans and widows. These provided themselves with money for granting by collecting revenue of events and other donations. It was also common to sell illustrated post cards and badges. These were mainly purchased by the soldiers, who were able to contribute to the aid funds in this way. The post card issued by the aid fund therefore shows the 6-er badge. A letter-closing with the image of the other badge is on the rights side. The turnover from the sales was also used for charitable purposes. This letter-closing is another nice piece from Gábor Csiszér’s collection.

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2 years ago

[…] year ago, I presented two beautiful badges of the 6th Infantry Regiment and a field card decorated with the image of the badge. I am now supplementing this post with […]

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