Kappenabzeichen on postcards

IR 101

I chose the beautiful flag insignia of the 101st Békéscsaba infantry regiment again to show the significance of the lapel color of the regiments. The sulfur yellow color also appears on the flag and the attached letter seals. Even the cover of the regimental history volume is in such bright yellow binding. Because of their striking color, as described in this volume, the opposing Russians called them the “parrot regiment.”

I also really like the letter seals issued by the disabled support foundation of the various regiments. These were often published in series, decorated with various graphic scenes. On the opening page, you can see the 101ers rushing behind the regimental flag. The other letter seal shows bucks loading their Mannlichers in the trenches. At the command of their officer, they are about to open fire.

The correspondence card used as background bears the stamp of the 2nd Mountain Brigade, where the 101st Separate Battalion was assigned.

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