Men at arms

HIR 19

Despite latent controversies, the picture and the insignia of the post are in harmony, even if the cap insignia of the 19th Honvéd Infantry Regiment is not visible in the picture. The number 19 on the cap of the volunteer shown in the picture was the official marking introduced in the Monarchy, which was placed on the left side of the cap in accordance with the regulations. The number could also refer to another infantry regiment with number 19. That we are still seeing a honvéd can be seen on his waist belt, which is decorated with the Hungarian coat of arms, which was common in the honvéd army. The clothing is also interesting, with large buttons and cuffs: all pieces tailored to specific needs. During the war, military leaders turned a blind eye to more and more discrepancies in the Monarchy’s uniforms.

Instead of the number 19 seen on the cap, I uploaded the regiment’s rare and special plate badge. The 19s belonged to the 40th “Fokos” division, and the eponymous weapon can also be seen on this badge. The names of battlefields can be read on the ribbons, especially on the pieces that have survived in better condition. Unfortunately, the silvering of this badge has blistered on almost all copies, making it difficult to read the  scripts.

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