Men at arms

216. Assault half-battalion

The Arkansas company, like many other badge makers, also made assault badges. Most of these were general purpose badges. In some cases, however, the company also produced badges for specific assault troops, which indicated the name of the unit. Among others two similar round badges of a very peculiar shape were fabricated, one for the Assault Battalion of the 39th Division and the other for the Assault Halfbattalion of the 216th Honvéd Infantry Brigade. Not only the form is similar, but also the motive: Death, the grim reaper depicted as a skeleton, attacks the enemy together with the stormtroopers.

The 17th insurgent infantry regiment belonged to the 216th brigade, which provided a company of storm troopers to the half-battalion. The brigade defended the borders of Transylvania for a long time, precisely in the period when the organization and development of the assault troops was taking place with the greatest momentum. The opening photo was taken during this period. The inscription on the back of this informs us that the non-commissioned officers of the 17th insurgent company of the 216th Assault Battalion are visible in the picture. The picture was taken on the assault course in Bálványos, in the heart of Székelyföld/Transylvania.

I classified the photo and the badge as wearing photos, although the badge is not visible in the photo. However, I wanted to present this special badge, which is how this post was born. At most, only the use of assault helmets can be interpreted as topic for a wearing photo.

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