Men at arms

IR 61 Segeti Camp

The 61st Infantry Regiment was a unit of the 17th Infantry Division, which protected the central section of the Karst Plateau. This division and also the regiment were practically deployed continuously on this narrow front section from the Italian military entry of 1915 to the Great Offensive of November 1917. Until August 1916, the trenches were on the western edge of the plateau. They were then moved 25 km backwards following an Italian offensive. At that time the front stretched in the Fajti Hrib-Kostanjevica line. As you can see on the attached map, the Segeti camp was then on the Italian side of the front (darkened area in the middle).

The Segeti camp was a camp site for units withdrawn from the front for rest. In addition to relatively decent accommodation and board, entertainment was provided for the soldiers. Of course, the practice and the training of the newcomers also took place here.

The two photos used for the post show the life of the camp. Officers sitting in front of one of their lodgings are reading newspaper. The cap badge made by the 61. regiment foundation for the disabled can be seen in several places on the caps and in the jacket pocket. The other photo shows the delivery of lunch from the kitchen in the camp area to the front line. The menage was in the crates attached to the side of the mules.

The 61st Infantry Regiment operated in Temes County, with its headquarters in Temesvár. His crew was of Hungarian, German and Romanian nationality. All sources during and after the war are appreciative of their standing. This was also true in general for Division 17, but the whole VII. Corps also. The corps was commanded by Archduke Joseph.

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