Kappenabzeichen on postcards

HIR 31 (2)

The 31st honvéd infantry regiment of Veszprém and one of its badges have already been discussed here. The one presented in the current post is similar to the previous badge. Its shape is slightly different, more elongated, but the motif, the charging buck, is the same. The longer body of the badge makes it possible to add a new name to the list of battle sites, the name of Kostanjevica. In the vicinity of Kostanjevica on May 23, 1917, in the 10th Battle of Isonzo, the 31st Regiment from the 41st Division was in position. The Italian attackers seized the village, occupying several caverns in such a way that the companies stationed in them were also captured. However, the lost positions were recaptured by the counterattack launched at the end of the day. The captive soldiers were also freed.

The badge commemorates this battle day. This insignia can also be seen on the correspondence card issued by the regiment’s support fund.

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