War propaganda

Air force donation badge

Aviation was a novelty of the Great War era. The general public was also moved and excited by this area of ​​technical development (besides submarines). They were also willing to make serious financial sacrifices for the development. The Monarchy organized donation campaigns for aviation developments. The airplane surrounded by the wreath (a civilian model) decorated the badge given to the donors.

The same template was made with a different type of machine and even with the serial number of one of the air force squadrons. The Kappenabzeichen of the 48th Air Squadron is not the only insignia that has been adapted and transformed for combat formations in addition to the original use. For example, several of the cap badges made with monarchs’ portraits were engraved with the number of an infantry regiment or a hussar regiment.

As the background of this post, I chose a poster of a pre-war aviation exhibition and presentation.

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