Men at arms

19th Landwehr Infantry Regiment

The 19th Krakow Landwehr Infantry Regiment was part of the 131st Brigade and the Hofmann (XXV) Corps was its higher unit throughout the Great War. The corps was deployed on the Russian front in Galicia. Polish and partially Ruthenic soldiers fought against the expansion of Russian supremacy. This can be declared because most freedoms of the partitioned Polish nation was provided in the political sense in the Austrian controlled Galicia. During the war, they obtained additional rights. In November 1916, after more than 100 years, the Polish state was re-established by the Central Powers. The Polish Legion, which fought in the Army of the Monarchy, had an independent command, although of course it was instructed by the Austrian general staff.

In the middle of the photo the lieutenant is shown among his sisters. He wears the Kappenabzeichen of the 19th Landwehr Infantry Regiment. The badge shows the Church of Mary of Krakow with its famous two asymmetric towers. Other badges depicting Krakow will be shown in an additional post.

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