Kappenabzeichen on postcards

HIR 306

Again, I am presenting a postcard with the Kappenabzeichen of an infantry regiment as a decorative motif. I have already mentioned the activities of the 306th Honvéd Infantry Regiment several times (here and here). He was assigned to the 202nd Infantry Brigade. Its sister regiment is the 307th. The brigade was deployed on the Eastern Front, mainly in Bukovina. Their achievements in the battles around Toporutz-Rarancze and their battles in the Dorna-Vatra area are known.

Along with many other units, the name of the 306th regiment can be seen on the plaque on the wall of the Main Church in Szeged. The regiment formed in 1915 received personnel additions from several regions of Hungary, including from the vicinity of Szeged.

The badge was made in several versions. The oval-shaped enameled badge is visible on the letterhead. There was also a version that was more rectangular in shape and the Hungarian coat of arms was not the advancing soldier behind the regimental number 306. Both badges read the excerpt from the refrain of the regiment’s note: “Piszkáld ki!”. The oval badge is prepared by Fáklya Műipari Vállalat. The latter badge was made in Márkus Berger’s workshop.

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