Special units

Detachment Fráter

From the staff of the divisions disembarking from the horse, the command of the Monarchy converted temporary mounted detachments for some special purpose as needed. Such was the Frater detachment formed from the 5th Cavalry Division. The detachment existed from June to October 1916. It got its name from its commander, Colonel Jenő Fráter, who was serving in the 1st Hussar Regiment. About five hundred of the hussars who supervised and cared for the line horses of the 1st, 6th, 7th and 8th Honvéd Hussar Regiments served in this detachment. Later, further four Ulan squadrons from the 6th Cavalry Division were assigned to the detachment.

The great Russian offensive of June 1916 set the front line in motion again. Cossack cavalry raids appeared on the backs of the Monarchy’s troops. The detachment was tasked with repressing these incursions, harassing, deterring the Cossack cavalry. In the midst of a continuous retreat, the tasks were carried out in Eastern Galicia and later in the Carpathians from the end of July. In the Carpathians, for the most part, they had to stop the Russian infantry, which had been advancing again. This caused significant losses of the personnel. In September 1916, the defensive positions in the Máramaros Carpathians were re-established. The Russian burglaries were delayed. The detachment was disbanded on October 4th.

According to the title of the postcard used for the post, it shows the expulsion of the Cossacks who broke into Máramaros. The motif of the badge of the Frater Mounted Detachment is the same as the badge of the 5th Cavalry Division labeled “Red Devils”. A hussar chasing Russian infantry can be seen on the badge.

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