Kappenabzeichen on postcards

5. Ulan regiment

As a Hungarian author, I mainly come into contact with Hungarian materials. Therefore, it is difficult to get information and collect material about a unit that was not organized in the territory of the Hungarian Kingdom. With one exception, all Ulan regiments are like this. Cap badges are even easier to get, but photos, postcards, and written background materials hardly. That’s why it’s not easy to find an accompanying photo or other old paper next to the beautiful Ulan badges. So, for lack of a better option, I attached a 11th Ulan regiment field correspondence card to the Kappenabzeichen of the 5th Ulans. The situation is improved by the four letter seals, which in turn are the issue of the invalid fund of the 5th regiment.

The 5th Ulan Regiment was recruited from Croatia and was headquartered in Steinamanger, Austria. They were assigned to the 2nd Cavalry Division. The larger part of the cavalry was divided into smaller troop units, often in the strength of a company, and assigned to the infantry divisions. A division of the 5th Ulans was thus divided into 5 sections and stationed at 5 mountain brigades. The bulk of the regiment, however, remained together as part of the 2nd Cavalry Division, although from 1915 onwards they fought more as dismounted cavalry riflemen in various sections of the Eastern Front.

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