Men at arms

7th Ulan Regiment

The regiment’s predecessor was a dragoon regiment founded in 1758. In the structure of the Austrian cavalry, the three types of mounted soldiers used in the Great War were formed by the end of the 1800s. Thus, the majority of the Ulan regiments operated as other types of troops until then. The 7th Ulan Regiment came into being as such in 1851, until then it was light dragoons (2nd Chevauxlegers Regiment). During its history, it received its crew first in Moravian territory, and then from Galicia from 1860 onward. Organizationally, the regiment belonged to the XI. Lemberg corps.

Relatively little is known about its use in war. It is certain that it was assigned to the 3rd Cavalry Division throughout. Thus, based on this knowledge, we can infer the command of the regiment. Until September 1916, the division belonged to the either the 1st, 2nd or 7th army on the Russian front. In September 1916, the regiment was ordered to the Szívó Group to repel the Romanian incursion, and then to the Eastern Carpathians. First they were defending the Maroshéviz area and then the Úz valley. In April 1918, the division was sent to the Italian front. Also in the Carpathians and in Italy they were used more as infantry, possibly already in Galicia as well.

The insignia of the regiment is the oval-shaped shield typical of most Ulan regiments with the regimental number and the imperial crown above. A painted version also existed. I am also attaching a letter closing stamp to the post. The image of this shows a horse fight, which could have occurred in the early period of the war.

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