Archduke Joseph became the commander of the Transylvanian front line at the beginning of 1917. At the same time, the 31st Division was transferred from Galicia to this section of the front. In the photo, the Archduke is visiting the newly arrived troops. According to the photo caption, the soldiers of the 4th Battalion of the 69th Infantry Regiment are standing opposite him. The event took place on March 15 in Gyergyóditró.
Two badges can be seen on Archduke Joseph’s cap. More precisely, only their outlines can be seen, the details cannot be made out. The shape of the second badge, however, is very unique. On it, the lion, depicting the troops occupying Romania, is heading for Bucharest between the borders of Romania. The whimsical line of the country’s borders can be clearly seen on the badge and in the photo.
The photo was taken in March 1917. Bucharest had been captured in December of the previous year. The badge manufacturer quickly seized the business opportunity. The product reached the highest levels in two months!