Train troops
The train, a unit that deals with army movement, has already been featured on this page once. We tend to think of soldiers and war in terms of fighting units, since the action and glory are theirs. However, even their arrival at the front depends on the functioning of the logistics supporting them. It is often a matter of life and death who can reach critical places and strategic points first. Transportation took place over long distances by rail, and near the front by horses and carts. We can see this on the most beautiful badge of the train unit.
It is interesting that not only a separate badge was made for this unit, but also a letter seal. Perhaps there was even a postcard in circulation, although I have not found one yet. Instead, I have attached a card with the appropriate stamp to the entry.
Another interesting thing is that I managed to find the lithograph that appears on the letter seal. Its title is “The crossing of the Austrian army at Tessino near Pavia on March 20, 1849.” prepared by Franz Adam. It shows a river crossing during the Italian campaign of 1849. I have not yet been able to find out why this event was important for the campaign.