
Generals and personalities

General Árpád Tamásy

He was born in 1861 in Kőhalom, near Brassó. After graduating from the Vienna Military Academy of Staff, he worked ...

Frigyes Csanády

He was born 1861 in Laibach (today Ljubljana). He studied in Keszthely and then in Kremsmünster. After graduating from the ...

Karl von Pflanzer-Baltin

He was born in the city of Pécs in 1855, where his father, who was a chief military justice officer, ...
/ Generals and personalities

Paul Puhallo von Brlog

Army general of Croatian descent. He was born in 1856 in the village of Brlog near the once border guard ...

Heinrich von Hess IR 49

He was not a general of the Great War, but he was the owner of the 49th Infantry Regiment. I’ve ...

Alexander von Krobatin

Alexander von Krobatin (1849-1933) was an Austrian artillery officer, and from 1912 to 1917 he was Minister of War of ...
/ Generals and personalities

Viktor Dankl von Krasnik

He was born in 1854 in Udine, where his father served as a military officer. From 1869 he attended a ...

Archduke Joseph

He came from the Hungarian branch of the Habsburgs. His grandfather was Archduke Joseph, whose name was included in the ...
/ Generals and personalities

Paul von Hindenburg Marshal

German Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg was born in Posen (now Poznan) in 1847. His father was a Prussian army ...
/ Generals and personalities

baron Hermann Kövess von Kövesháza

Born in Temesvár in 1854, his family was of Transylvanian Saxon descent. He was trained as a military engineer at ...
/ Generals and personalities